Residential Knox Box Program
The Salem / Morrow Fire Department has started a Residential Knox Box Program to help us help you.
What is Knox Box? It’s a heavy duty box that we hang on your door that has your home key in it. We have a Master key that we use to open the box in an emergency situation so we can make access to your home and let use help you.
The reason we started the program is to help us make entry to our citizens with out causing damage to their property. We receive calls to residents homes and when we get there we are unable to make access do to the house is locked up tight. We end up breaking into the house to help with their emergency and then they have an extra expense fixing what we had to break. Residents stop by and offer us keys so we do not have to break in. That would be a lot of keys for us to have and maintain. This would cause more of a hindrance than help.
This program is for residents that have chronic medical problems, elderly folks that live alone, persons with disabilities that would make it hard for them to let us in, and that live in our protection area. If you are not sure if you qualify, contact Chief Harrison. This is a free service provided to our residents for as long as they need it.
This program was started by donations to the fire department. We have purchased 6 Knox Boxes and Key Secure Systems. The Key Secure Systems secures the key to the vehicle and tracks who uses it. This gives us an accountability system on the use of the key. Supplies are limited.
The department requests an application form to be filled out. When approved we will come out and install the Knox Box. The forms can be Downloaded on this page or picked up at the Salem / Morrow Fire Department. If you have any questions contact Chief Harrison at (513) 899-2222.